According to statistics, there are currently about 851 thousand active clients on Upwork looking for freelancers in 90+ categories. Thousands of new job offers appear daily in each of them, so any freelancer, regardless of the experience on this platform, may need to put in a lot of effort to correctly compose proposals and finally get the desired project. At the same time, this process can be significantly simplified with one of the best AI tools for freelancers, Upwex. Below, we will tell you more about it and also compare it with the traditional approach to proposal writing, when you need to do everything manually.

The Importance of Proposal Writing in Freelancing
Let’s start with the basics: a proposal on Upwork is a personalized offer that a freelancer sends to a client together with a request for a project. In fact, it is a kind of commercial offering, where you as a freelancer need to explain why you are the best fit for a specific task.
However, before writing a proposal, you will have to do a lot of work: in particular, you will first need to look through the list of available vacancies and choose suitable tasks among them. After you have selected vacancies, you will have to start writing a proposal: formulate an appeal to the client (usually this is a short text), write a short self-presentation, highlighting the skills useful for a specific project, describe your approach to completing the task, and also indicate the cost of your work and the estimated time for its completion.
Additionally, you can attach a portfolio or several examples of your work on a relevant topic, and also, if required by the client, answer a number of mandatory questions. Once your proposal is sent, all you have to do is wait – the client can reject it, clarify details, or accept it right away.
In general, the effectiveness of a proposal directly depends on how well it meets the client’s request and demonstrates your expertise. Therefore, when writing a proposal becomes something like a conveyor belt, you may find it difficult to maintain the proper level of personalization and detail. Actually, this is one of the main challenges freelancers face on Upwork, which, however, can be overcome with the help of an advanced proposal writing service like Upwex.
Challenges of Traditional Proposal Writing
Freelancers who practice a manual approach to proposal writing often face colossal time costs, especially when it comes to clients from popular niches where new job offers appear every day in large quantities. Also, new freelancers often lack any systematicity in writing, so the quality of the proposals they write can vary. Finally, even a high-quality proposal can go unnoticed due to high competition, so to stand out from other freelancers, they need to follow very sophisticated approaches to writing.
How Upwex Simplifies Proposal Writing
Luckily, thanks to the proposal writing service Upwex and the powerful AI algorithms that underlie it, the process of writing proposals for freelancers has become easier than ever. Specifically, with its help and its great capabilities for automation in freelancing, in a matter of moments, you will be able to generate a personalized proposal perfectly tailored to the client’s request and be sure that it will fully meet the job description. Moreover, this proposal writing software has an AI Job Assistant that analyzes jobs, clients’ histories, reviews, and your portfolio and skills to define whether you should bid or not.
As a result, you will not only save a lot of time but also be able to start working on projects that you could only dream of as quickly as possible.
Comparing Results: Traditional vs. Upwex
If we try to objectively evaluate the advantages of using the Upwex proposal writing software over the manual approach, in the context of the challenges described above, this tool allows freelancers to achieve better results due to:
- Increased efficiency. Traditional proposal writing requires a significant investment of time since the freelancer has to independently analyze each vacancy and adapt a certain template to it (which must also be prepared in advance). At the same time, freelancers often make mistakes in the process of writing, use stereotyped phrases, or, due to lack of time, simply may not be specific enough in their statements. Ultimately, all this reduces their chances of success. In turn, with Upwex, this entire process is fully automated: artificial intelligence analyzes the details of vacancies and clients’ histories and creates personalized offers that attract their attention. As a result, response rates are on average 30% higher due to relevance and personalization.
- Reduced time expenses. It usually takes an experienced freelancer 10-30 minutes to write a proposal on their own, and if you are new to Upwork, this assessment can be multiplied several times. Along with that, Upwex reduces this time to 1-2 minutes, which will allow you to send more job proposals in less time. This is especially important in highly competitive niches, where the faster you respond to a new vacancy, the more chances you have to get it.
- Opportunities to optimize your strategy. With a manual approach to writing proposals, freelancers rarely analyze the effectiveness of their approach. Conversely, Upwex as one of the best freelancer tools provides advanced analytics to calculate conversion and determine the most successful approaches.
- Faster start of work on the project. As with Upwex, you will be able to focus your resources as quickly as possible on what will bring you money – namely, on working on a project – your volume of work will increase (as well as your earnings within the platform). In the long term, you will also receive a special talent badge from Upwork that will testify to your professionalism and reliability and will help attract even more new clients.

So why not speed up the initial stages of interaction with clients and make them less resource-intensive? The answer is obvious, and Upwex will play a leading role in this.
Additional Benefits of Upwex for Freelancers
In addition to automatic proposal writing, Upwex boasts the following features:
- AI job researcher for quickly finding projects that best suit the freelancer’s skills;
- Synchronization with Pipedrive CRM for organizing client and project data;
- AI proposal generator to help freelancers with the bidding process and compiling personalized proposals that resonate with potential clients;
- AI-powered Q&A to generate answers to job post questions in a matter of moments;
- Visualized analytics and reporting tools to measure success rates.
Looks good, doesn’t it? After all, now, everything that you used to spend at least a few hours or even more on can be done efficiently in a couple of moments! So it’s high time to test all the functionality of Upwex in practice, especially since the first seven days are absolutely free.