Getting Started with Upwex

  1. Sign up
    We care about your time, so registering with Upwex will not take you much time and consists of only 3 steps:
      • Go to Sign Up or click the Register here link on the login page.
      • Choose from the list of your Google accounts or enter your email address in the form below and click the Register button:
        Upwex - Getting Started - Sign Up
      • After that, you will receive a link in the mail. To confirm registration, click the Confirm Registration button:
        After that, you will receive a link in the mail. To confirm registration, click the Confirm Registration button:
  2. Install Upwex Chrome Extension
    To work with Upwork, you need to use Upwex Chrome Extension. The extension can be found in the official Google Store. 
    You can read how to do it in our Help Center.
    After these steps, you will be able to fully use the functionality of Upwex, but in order to set up integration with CRM, you need to proceed to the next step.
  3. Integration with CRM
    To use synchronization with Pipedrive CRM, go to the Tools & Apps section, select Pipedrive CRM, and click Install. After clicking the install button, you will be taken to the official Upwex app in the Pipedrive Market to connect your CRM to your Upwex account. If the installation is successful, you will receive a notification.
    After this, you will have access to the synchronization feature between Upwork and your CRM.